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About Us


Welcome to the Crash Cart 911 Store.

Created and operated by nurses having fun one shift at a time. We all know as nurses that we are a little different from other professionals to say the least and give and/or take life to a whole new level.  We have our good and bad shifts and lets admit more of the latter.

The anxiety we go through each and every time you wake up to start your 4 straight shifts and walking to through those double doors, the draft brushes your face with fresh scent of C-Diff, a fellow nurse almost running over a family member with the crash cart.. you look to left to see a old lady screaming bloody murder, legs flopping over the side rails with 4 nurses on top of her on 4 point restraints...(without a doubt she needed the NURSE DOSE!). You close your eyes...(praying to all the saints not to have that patient), you take a deep breath...cough...cough...cough...abrupt reminder of the quickly chug down your second cup of coffee hoping to temporarily numb all your senses, . (if you've been in this gig for a while you know we primarily use coffee to block our senses of smell and taste and to  keep us hydrated, we also heard a rumor that coffee keeps us awake, so that's always a plus.) Until we can have all our rooms set up for negative pressure ventilation, Starbucks will remain in business.

While sipping that latte, dragging your clogs down the gulley, you hunt down the charge nurse for the assignments. You know she already has the assignments made, its just matter of finding where she hid them and having friends in higher places can make or break your know that's TRUE. But you know what? What goes around comes around, its a 12 hour shift and ANYTHING can happen!

It can be cruel in there and we've seen it all and in the end what makes us who we are as nurses in times of frustrations and anger and countless set backs,  is you and me, your fellow nurses, your coworker that unwillingly helped you clean up that C-Diff patient on a Colace drip at 6:55, that became your friend, that became your BFF, your one and only.

This store is for us nurses and those who inspire nursing and appreciate us for who we are and what we do to make a difference in us and our patients. Share your story on our Facebook page, upload photos, vent you frustration, make it yours, share it, and most importantly chin up and be proud and give that NURSE DOSE STAT! 

Crash Cart 911